Sunday, August 25, 2019

Future Trends in System Consolidation Research Paper

Future Trends in System Consolidation - Research Paper Example System consolidation is continuing to be used due to its advantages and positive technological changes taking place. Some of these changes are like the improvement on the processing power of hardware devices. Reduction in Cost of Doing Business Previously institutions had to acquire a system for each of their offices. Some of these systems did not take into consideration how they would be integrated to other businesses to serve the same purpose. So if the need arose in other departments the businesses purchase a new system for that department leading to higher cost. Organizations automate their different services to reduce cost. Automation will make sure the organization products are uniform and presentable. Reduction in redundancy in hardware Redundancy led to having lot hardware devices which were not utilized to their full capability. Installation of a system required different hardware devices to be purchased to cater for its requirement. A situation is like where a business has a payroll system developed for its offices in the United Kingdom and another one of its offices in the United States. ...   making Companies are trying to make decisions from data they collect over time as Waiter noted (businesses today have data mining systems) 2 to enhance decision making. This data can be a sale, purchases, and wages. Traditionally each of this data was stored on different servers because of the difference in the systems acquisition and usage. The decision maker to come up with a comprehensive decision will have first to try and consolidate the data from the different servers. This consolidation adds some more trouble. System consolidation comes into the place where one server saves all the data. The model builder will have data readily available from a central place. As Mathias notes (The model builder must define the problem, simulate the model, evaluate the model and implement the model) which increases the complexity of the program. The implementation also becomes easier because the system will embed the model into the main system. This reduces cost because there is no need of deploying models into different office location for usage. The building of models adds complexity (modeling for relevance must be considered) 1 due to the need of ensuring relevance. 1. Matthias Felleisen, â€Å"Journal of Functional Programming,† Complexity in Programming 45, no. 20 (2010): 32. 2. Weiter A, â€Å"Information Systems,† Business process mining 32, no. 5(2007): 725. Software construction complexity increases The changes that are coming with system consolidation are leading to a need for an increase in complexity of software. Some of these changes are making of distributed systems to be used by a company and improving on the network to cater for the distributed system.

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