Monday, October 21, 2019

Justice in America essays

Justice in America essays We live in a country that was created on the foundation of correcting the minor problems of the countries before us that caused those countries to be non-successful in their justice-keeping abilities at the time. What I mean is that when the delegates from all across the early states gathered to write the declaration of independence, they based it on making a more perfect union. They wanted to correct the problems of the nations before ours. They wanted to fix the problems of the nations that they left because of the tyranny, injustice and bad things that were happening there. And thus they came and made this great nation that is still thriving for perfection. So we want to be a perfect nation, and that means peace and justice for all. But what does justice really mean? And how do we know if what we have is really true justice? Well, I would define justice by saying that it is the correcting of wrongs. When someone who stole a car or robbed a bank is caught and properly punished, that, to me, is justice. And when a person who had been wrongly accused of a serious crime is given an early releasing by being found innocent after only a few years lost, that, to me, is justice. Finally, in this nation, we have a sufficient amount of justice, but there is always room for more. If we keep working together as a nation, then im sure that we could form that ideal perfect nation. ...

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