Monday, November 18, 2019

Applying Rhetorical Theory with Communications Essay

Applying Rhetorical Theory with Communications - Essay Example Aristotle identified three forms of appeal: ethos, pathos and logos (Henry 16). These elements have been applied by many famous orators including the President Obama, the current USA president during his inaugural speech. This paper will focus on the use of Aristotle’s elements in developing a speech to address business leaders on the importance of allowing their employees time off so as to participate in blood donation. Aristotle’s Classical theory on speech is based on five rhetorical canons. These include the use of invention, disposition, style, delivery and memory. Invention involves the selection of a pattern that will help in the attaining the purpose for the speech. Disposition, on the other hand dictates the arrangement of a speech so as to achieve the purpose of the speech. The speech will include the following a brief history, epidemiological fact and the procedure of blood donation. It will also explain the benefits to the business for allowing their employees to go for blood donation. Style involves the use of creativity in expressing ones ideas. This involves the use of details, figures of speech and creative analogies during the speech. The speech will include epidemiological facts on how many businesses have benefited from giving their employees time-off for blood donations. These facts will be represented in graphs and charts relating increased profits with participation in blood donation. Memory involves the use of devices that will ensure that the business leaders do not forget the details in the speech. This will include the use of picture representations and repetition of the important points. Delivery focuses on how the speech will be delivered. Aristotle viewed the use of rhetoric as a means of persuasion without the use of torture unlike the ancient Greek practices. He assumed that a great orator is able to consider his audience and provide proof for his argument. This speech is directed towards business leaders. It is

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