Thursday, July 18, 2019

Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter was known from her literary woks that deal with the formation of ideal minds of children. Her children stories made significant prints in the world of literature. Through this, Potter became famous and influential in different parts of the world in terms of her writings and contributions to literature.Potter was born in South Kensington, London on July 28, 1866. She was not able to experience a normal and meaningful life during her childhood. Every action were detailed and numbered. She could not have more time to interact or communicate with other people.Only her pets became her friends as she kept them, studied about them, and draw them. Despite of this, she was luck for she was not a poor child like other authors or writers who seemed to start from rugs to riches. During her teenage years, she was introduced to many prominent personalities that gave her the opportunity to show her talent in writing and painting. Because she was unhappy with her childhood life, she s hared her talent to the children whom she wanted to imagine, to amaze, to laugh, or to simply become happy.Another factor that manifest in her literary works was her love for animals. Her first children story was about an animal. Her story book was filled with animal pictures along with a simple story to make a child happy. This was happen in 1892, when she started to create a children short story. She sent her story to her friends’ son. Soon, this piece became the â€Å"tale of Peter Rabbit† in 1920. This story was her first and major published work that many children used to read until today. After a year, another story was published with the help of her friends and family.Yearly, she publicized one to two stories that became famous and significant in different parts of the world during her time and until today, which can still be seen in the future. Most of her topics in her stories are about animals and vegetables because for her, it can be a way for children to be come more familiar and close to their pets and other animals as well as their eating habit when it comes to eating vegetables. Along with her writing stories, she also paints different kinds of paintings. Though those paintings are simple, they still bring life to the many people.As she started her first story in 1902, she worked for different stories that were published until 1944, a year after her death. However, though she stopped writing stories, she still wrote different letters as well as manuscripts whether personal or career manuscripts were not taken for granted. After her death on December 22 1943 at the age of 77, many authors and chroniclers had their way to give importance to the life and contribution of Potter. Her books have been translated to braille and numerous languages including German, Latin, Welsh, Spanish, French, Japanese and Dutch (Merriman, 2006).As many authors and writers’ way of giving gratitude and respect towards potter, they made her pieces rec ognized in different parts of the world by translating her text in different kinds of languages. Because of her contribution to literature, many authors of children stories patterned their pieces on Potter’s works for it can be seen as a way of nurturing children through the use of animal and vegetable characters. From this sense, many analysts have thought about the deeper sense of Potter’s attack to her writings.According to different analysts, Potter can be perceived as a conservationist for she helped environmentalists to publicize animal and plant affection through her writings. Beatrix Potter was not only an accomplished writer and artist in watercolor; she was also an observant naturalist; a hard-headed but kindly farm manager; above all she was an ardent conservationist (Diaz, 2007). She was also perceived as a potential botanist from her short stories as she transcends the life and essence of animal and plant characterization.Aside from writing and illustratin g children's books, Beatrix Potter created precise, realistic botanical drawings and paintings, which she wished to be used to illustrate scientific books on flora and fauna. (Literary Traveler, 2008). She also discussed the preservation of natural resources in a simpler yet attackable concept that children would understand. For her, because children are easy to educate, they were became her prospect to a further change on the environment. Another significant reason why Beatrix Potter became famous is because she used to writer her stories through coding.She used to write by using her own code that only she as the writer of her stories can understand the meaning of her writings. Through this, many writers, authors, analysts, and critics tried to understand the capabilities and attacks of Potter in her writings by using her code. For her, her code became her secret to provide good writing and classification of manner to formulate for children’s young minds and justifications. Another artistic pursuit for the teenage Potter was writing a journal in a code no-one could read.The Journal of Beatrix Potter 1881-1897 (first published by Frederick Warne in 1966) is part of this document, transcribed from code by Potter scholar Leslie Linder. She kept this type of journal until the age of 30 (Literary Traveler, 2008). It was seen that it was a phenomenon style that few writers or authors could do. it can be said that Potter has her own strategy to formulate her own thoughts to create stories for children. In conclusion to this, Beatrix Potter was not just a simple writer and painter during her lifetime.She made some difference in her period that is significant until today. Her literary pieces brought different light in science as well as humanity. Her secret code was also made to produce her passion for children stories without any proportion of unjustified claims and arguments from other people. It was revealed that by using her own code, Potter had a personali ty that she wanted to be along and would close her door from others. She made her own wall to separate herself from the other.It created positive impact on her writings but not on her personality and being for she remained single until she died. Works Cited Diaz, Rony. 2007. â€Å"Center for Gravity: Miss Potter. † The Manila Times. 3 February 2008. http://www. manilatimes. net/national/2007/apr/15/yehey/opinion/20070415opi2. html Frederick Warne & Co. 2007. â€Å"Beatrix Potter: A Life in Nature. † 3 February 2008. http://www. bpotter. com/? v1=BeatrixPotter&v2=Writings Kutzer, Daphne. Beatrix Potter: Writing in Code (Children's Literature and Culture, 27).Routledge Publishing, 2002. Literary Traveler. 2008. â€Å"Beatrix Potter – More Than Just Bunnies: The Legacy of Beatrix Potter. † 3 February 2008. http://www. literarytraveler. com/authors/beatrix_potter. aspx Merriman, C. D. 2006. â€Å"Beatirx Potter. † The Literature Network. 3 February 200 8. http://www. online-literature. com/beatrix-potter/ National Trust. 2008. â€Å"The Story of Beatrix Potter. † 3 February 2008. http://www. nationaltrust. org. uk/main/w-chl/w-places_collections/w-collections-main/w-collections-beatrix_potter/w-collections-feature_1-2. htm

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