Friday, July 26, 2019

Poem explanation for Rumi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poem explanation for Rumi - Essay Example The poem’s form is very loose, rhyme free, almost like a flow of free thought from the heart, a confession of a soul not confused any more, but illuminated and free. Its haunting aura of deep simplicity almost borders on atheism: â€Å"Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Man is the bedrock of all religious and cultural systems, but he is always taught what to believe in and what to feel, while in fact, he should believe in what he feels. For Rumi, religion is a highly personal experience, not necessarily limited to logical arguments or perceptions of the senses, and in this particular poem, he disregards the importance of outward religious observance. Faith and love, just like breath, are invisible, yet inextricably present, and he truly believes that people of all religions and backgrounds can live together in ecumenical peace and harmony. His words come from the heart and ache to explain the often perplexing worl d of personal, spiritual growth, and are aimed at everyone, every single human being on earth. He continues to list contrasting worlds of â€Å"the East or the West†¦ the ocean or†¦ the ground, not natural or ethereal† pushing his existence away from all those cultural and natural systems. He is neither, yet he is all of them.

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